
space. pause. breath... and a rotary cutter.

Recently, people have asked me how I arrived at the name Comma Workshop. Believe it or not, the 'Comma' of Comma Workshop has nothing to do with the fact that I quilt narratives into fabric. 

Originally Comma Workshop was actually Kamma Workshop.  In the Pali language,  kamma (pronounced 'comma')  is the word for karma.  Defined as 'intentional action,'  this is indeed a reflection of the thought, care, and movement of designing and creating Comma quilts. 

Kamma seemed like the perfect fit for the name of the studio. To be honest, though, when designing the logo, the 'K' just seemed really harsh.  I began to toss around the idea of Comma Workshop instead... And, what else does a comma represent but a pause, a space, and a breath--- reflecting the quiet, subtle design aesthetic of Comma quilts.  Lastly, pairing the Comma with Workshop circles back to ‘intentional action,’  consciously and actively moving through the world.

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